t h e L I S T

Okay.. Here is my list.
All of the things I want to attempt and explore.
In no particular order.
And in no way complete.

1. create a set of thank you cards that can be reproduced
2. address invites for A&K's wedding next summer (calligraphy)
3. make a pair or moccasins or slippers
4. take a jewelry making class
5. develop a line of jewelry
6. make a leather clutch
7. make leather bracelets & hair wraps
8. write how-to articles/posts, try to write for magazines or websites
9. set up a blog that I love so much I don't give up on it (this is ongoing, as you can tell).
10. take a class in photoshop and illustrator
11. learn how to use my tablet
12. write authentically in my blog on a regular basis
13. paint enough paintings to have a show, host them in a gallery/coffee shop
14. reproduce paintings and sell prints online (finally use the etsy shop I've had since 2009?)
15. cosmetology school
16. host a kids art class/art camp/volunteer at a children's/community art center
17. make my own beauty products (that work...)
18. learn how to use my camera
19. learn how to use my sewing machine
20. bind a book out of recycled papers
21. modeling
22. style a shoot
23. hair and makeup for a shoot (presumably after I cross off #15)
24. thrifting (always wanted to try it).. to re-sell in a vintage shop
25 & 26. re-fashion clothing / fashion styling
27. attend a blogshop
28. attend one of Flora's workshops
29. learn some more tricks about blog design via online tutorials or by taking a class
30. & 31. interview OR job shadow people who are already doing ALL OF THESE THINGS
31. go through "That Big To-Do List" on Pinterest (this will take years.)
32. take a calligraphy class/online workshop (with Melissa?)

...and counting.