Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Guess what: I MOVED!

I moved the list, I moved the list!
While I was ticking things off, and working my way through the list.. I got engaged. And found myself wanting to document every part of my life (well, most of it anyway).

So, DULY NOTED: Adventures of the Spaniard and Me was born.

And it includes That Big List, The Creatives Project, and a whole bunch of other fun things like Our Story, the craziness that is Wedding Planning and Documenting Paloma's Baby Bump!

So, come say hello. And if you want to follow the rest of my "big list" adventure, you know where to find me!

Monday, November 7, 2011

christmas cards

I have sent out Christmas cards for the past 4 years.. along with a CD (first two years) or downloadable playlist (last two) of my favorite holiday songs for that year.
Christmas Cards in process circa 2008
Well, I wasn't going to make them this year.. because it's a lot of work, and I don't really have the space to do what I've done in the past. But, then, two friends of mine have very recently mentioned how much they appreciate them.. and look forward to them.. and so I think I have to do it. It's year number FIVE. The grand finale of mixes. How do you turn away from a project like that.

I just have to start working on them..
And hey... addressing these suckers will be great practice for number 2 on my list.
two birds, one stone.

My computer died.
Recently.  As in two days ago.
So, I'm not sure if I have photos of all of my past cards.. I don't want to talk about it.

This is the run down:
  • year 1. photocopies of a wintery illustration
  • year 2. mini 3x3 three layer relief prints
  • year 3. accordian cards with handsewn envelopes
  • year 4. all-in-one cards with satin ribbon & a wax seal closure
  • year 5. postcards? photocards? ...time to brainstorm.

Okay okay.
Brainstorming today.
Michael's after work.
Playlist to come.
Addresses to gather.
Here we go.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Not so much. Maybe sort of, actually.

I did go through my room and I took 3 bags full of clothes and shoes to the Salvation Army last weekend. Two of those bags had been sitting in the trunk of my car for a few months, so that is a definite accomplishment.

I didn't attempt any calligraphy this week... I have a tendency to overbook myself, and I suppose if I want to make any progress on this list, I'm going to have to start to carve out some time for it ;)

I did make something, however! A flag. For the boyfriend.. a reminder for both him and myself that I support him and want to be his #1 fan in anything he wants to pursue. I know it's a little silly. But, it was important and he loved it. Mission accomplished.

Also.. there is a free Natural Hair Color seminar (part of that all encompassing "attend cosmetology school" part of my big list) that is going to be held in about a week and a half, and I think I'm going to go and see what it's all about.. the flyer said that they will explain the risks of commercial coloring products, compared to natural hair coloring and that the discussion will include the following topics:
  • the basics of hair structure and how hair color works
  • some common chemicals involved in mainstream coloring products such as PPD, ammonia, peroxide and resorcinol.
  • how chemical toxins may affect you
  • learn about natural options in hair coloring products, including henna, semi-permanent and permanent natural hair coloring.
Sounds... right up my alley :) I have to remember to reserve a spot.

And, unrelated.. I highlighted my cousin's hair last night, and then left her on her own to rinse and tone them.. I should have taken pictures of that. But, I left my camera card at the office. So, c'est la vie. Next time.. next time :) I know these things mean nothing if you don't have visual proof.. my sincerest apologies..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

prep work

I'm in the mood to purge.
It comes and goes. But, it's been coming more and more often.

What is that quote? "Do not keep anything in your home that you do not believe to be functional or beautiful." Who said it? An architect perhaps?

Anyway. He was right. And I have too much clutter in my life. My car is full of bags that need to be donated. My closet is overflowing and I can't find or use anything. I just store it for someday in the future when I have more space.

In order to be able to start working on projects.. I need to make some room. Mentally and literally.

Related to this:
a. Don't buy cheap clothes or poorly made accessories. No more fake rings. sigh. They don't last, and I throw them away (or keep them tucked in a drawer forever) after I wear them twice.
b. Don't buy things for future projects. Focus only on the projects at hand. I just don't have the space right now.

However. I did just buy this necklace for 4 dollars at Forever21. I should find a suitable replacement. It will probably be green in a few days...

Also. This jacket? Best purchase of 2010. More than I normally spend, but I wear it constantly. This is my point, people. This is my point.

Also, I like fresh starts. And I like feeling accomplished and prepared.
And.. getting rid of clothes and clutter feels like a great place to start.

So tonight, I'm cleanin' out my closet...
(sorry, I couldn't resist.)

p.s. I learned a little something this morning. life lessons everywhere you look.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


from the list #2. address invites for A&K's wedding next summer (calligraphy)

OKAY. Homegirl needs to be proactive about this one. It's the first big thing I'm going to tackle, because I actually have to use it in a few months.. eeps.

Lucky for me, I love my handwriting. I practiced over and over and over as a kid, and in design school we were assigned weekly the task of writing the alphabet 15 times (architectural writing for hand drafting). I also love typography, and pen and ink is one of my favorite mediums..

SO. It should be a no-brainer.. right? I just have to put in the time. And buy a good pen. And maybe take Melissa's workshop? :) ..I'll add it to the list.

An old photo from the last time I attempted to use calligraphy for something:

This week is a little crazy (dances every night...) but, first big project from the list: operation calligraphy.

Also... I started a pinterest board to keep track of all the fun lettering and inspiration I find in this process...