Monday, November 7, 2011

christmas cards

I have sent out Christmas cards for the past 4 years.. along with a CD (first two years) or downloadable playlist (last two) of my favorite holiday songs for that year.
Christmas Cards in process circa 2008
Well, I wasn't going to make them this year.. because it's a lot of work, and I don't really have the space to do what I've done in the past. But, then, two friends of mine have very recently mentioned how much they appreciate them.. and look forward to them.. and so I think I have to do it. It's year number FIVE. The grand finale of mixes. How do you turn away from a project like that.

I just have to start working on them..
And hey... addressing these suckers will be great practice for number 2 on my list.
two birds, one stone.

My computer died.
Recently.  As in two days ago.
So, I'm not sure if I have photos of all of my past cards.. I don't want to talk about it.

This is the run down:
  • year 1. photocopies of a wintery illustration
  • year 2. mini 3x3 three layer relief prints
  • year 3. accordian cards with handsewn envelopes
  • year 4. all-in-one cards with satin ribbon & a wax seal closure
  • year 5. postcards? photocards? ...time to brainstorm.

Okay okay.
Brainstorming today.
Michael's after work.
Playlist to come.
Addresses to gather.
Here we go.

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