Friday, November 4, 2011


Not so much. Maybe sort of, actually.

I did go through my room and I took 3 bags full of clothes and shoes to the Salvation Army last weekend. Two of those bags had been sitting in the trunk of my car for a few months, so that is a definite accomplishment.

I didn't attempt any calligraphy this week... I have a tendency to overbook myself, and I suppose if I want to make any progress on this list, I'm going to have to start to carve out some time for it ;)

I did make something, however! A flag. For the boyfriend.. a reminder for both him and myself that I support him and want to be his #1 fan in anything he wants to pursue. I know it's a little silly. But, it was important and he loved it. Mission accomplished.

Also.. there is a free Natural Hair Color seminar (part of that all encompassing "attend cosmetology school" part of my big list) that is going to be held in about a week and a half, and I think I'm going to go and see what it's all about.. the flyer said that they will explain the risks of commercial coloring products, compared to natural hair coloring and that the discussion will include the following topics:
  • the basics of hair structure and how hair color works
  • some common chemicals involved in mainstream coloring products such as PPD, ammonia, peroxide and resorcinol.
  • how chemical toxins may affect you
  • learn about natural options in hair coloring products, including henna, semi-permanent and permanent natural hair coloring.
Sounds... right up my alley :) I have to remember to reserve a spot.

And, unrelated.. I highlighted my cousin's hair last night, and then left her on her own to rinse and tone them.. I should have taken pictures of that. But, I left my camera card at the office. So, c'est la vie. Next time.. next time :) I know these things mean nothing if you don't have visual proof.. my sincerest apologies..

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